This is the second in a series of blogpost where we will share our experiences as IRPdelft, a foundation that provides master students a challenging international and educational experience. Throughout the year, we will share our experiences.
All the candidates have been reviewed and the final group of 20 candidates has been selected. The selection was performed through a résumé check by Bain and Company in combination with a personal interview. Now that the group has been formed, focus will shift to tracking companies that are interested in cooperating with IRP to find new research opportunities in Argentina, the country of focus.
Argentina is certainly on its ascent again
In the 1920s Argentina was the 7th richest country in the world, but change always occurs when we least expect it. The economy of Argentina took a turn for the worst with economic decline, political tumult, in addition the occasional coupe and above all increasingly unstable inflation during last decades. But in the end, the best position to rise to greatness again is from the bottom. And Argentina is certainly on its ascent again with its newly elected president Macri. In the words of Mr Macri, “We have entered into a period of permanent reform”. Argentina must not stop and must not fear reforms, because to reform is to grow, progress, evolve.”
The revived growth and the drive to thrive can be vividly noticed once you actually start to do your research and notice the details. And it is these opportunities which lead the newly formed IRP group to focus their attention on business opportunities in this beautiful country.
In the week before Christmas a selection of 20 individuals officially united to form the new team. It started with a great introductory speech of two representatives from the Argentinian consulate, basically telling us how fabulous Argentina really is. It will however still take half a year of preparation and hard work before we can actually experience the country for real over the summer holiday.
The first objective for the coming time will be to acquire deals with multinationals to tackle their research problems in Argentina, providing us with the first challenging and educational experience. In addition the group benefits from training days with consultants and group psychologists in order to truly start working together and learn how to seal the deal.
For now, a start is nothing without a little celebration and Christmas and New Year offer the perfect opportunity.
A merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
IRPdelft 2018
- Visit
- Read the first blogpost of IRPdelft
- More about the executed projects from last year
From top to bottom, left to right:
Joppe Born, Joël Kuyper, Jesse D’Haens, Mathijs Hoogland; Ewout Ruijs, Wilan Hartwig, Tim de Vries, Sander Vermeulen, Lieke Kroese; Louise-Anne Zaat, Anna Filippi, Marnix van der Donk, Madelon Abbes, Marloes Emmen; Lotfy Hassan, David de Jong, Rik Oude Grote Bevelsborg, Anne van Bergen
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