Poetic impression by Bauke Steenhuisen of the master thesis ‘Well trajectory optimization’ by Ashir Kumar Loomba
Drilling wells is an expensive process.
Thus whenever we can be more clever
We are saving money, time and effort.
Optimizing well trajectory
Requires input from geologists
Drill engineers and geophysicists
Their expertise and their directory.
Determining the perfect minimum
Amount of wells computers ‘pretty well’
Can guess, as does this master student tell
Us. Yet trajectories their optimum
Requires judgment – engineers to dwell
An index finger in their mouth: ‘O well…’
Bauke Steenhuisen (universiteit docent bij de faculteit TBM) en Jeroen Manders (zanger, acteur, tekstschrijver, componist en voormalig IO student) verdichtten tussen december 2014 en maart 2017 42 keer een Delftse afstudeerscriptie of proefschrift tot een sonnet. Illustraties waren van Ella Nitters.
Poetic Engineering / Poetic Engineering
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