The master students of IRPdelft went to Rio for a break. This Friday they present their experiences of working abroad at their closing event.
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Plechtig vierden de universiteiten de opening van het academisch jaar, maar lang niet iedereen was in feeststemming. Studenten en wetenschappers uit het hele land uitten hun onvrede over de teruglopende overheidsfinanciering.
The Netherlands is a beautiful country and there are many things to be aware of before studying there. Masters student Nikhilesh Tumuluru Ramesh wrote this article to help his
Synthetic Biology Professor Drew Endy from Stanford University was one of the over hundred participants of the first Building a Synthetic Cell (BaSyC) conference that took place at TU Delft 27-29 August 2018.
Wij zijn op zoek naar de mening van studenten zoals jij! Meld je aan voor het studentenpanel: — LSVb (@studentenbond) 28 augustus 2018 Final day of @AMS_institute summer school by @m_triggianese. Looking forward to see the results of the Sloterdijk case #stationofthefuture #intermodality #newmobility— Niels van Oort (@Niels_van_oort) 28 augustus 2018 …
In this blog we share our experiences of IRPdelft, a non-profit foundation which gives master students a challenging international and educational experience abroad during the summer. At this point, the projects are almost finished and we have only one week left before we leave for our joint holiday destination: Rio de Janeiro!