Vorig studiejaar kwamen er veel minder eerstejaars naar het hoger onderwijs, maar het herstel lijkt ingezet. Al is dit in Delft nog niet het geval.
One of the first days at school we asked the children, what would you like to become? Most of the children answered with: “I want to be a teacher, a doctor or an engineer”.
Last time we left off at our relaxing weekend. Since then our project has made considerable progress. But in order to start with our plans, a lot of fieldwork was required.
This time a post from the heart, something which indicate the opposite side of seeing the difference between chances people have or doesn’t have.
Our last update finished with the announcement of the opening ceremony on our first day. Quite nervous we walked into an enormous board room at the ministry.
You probably never heard about it before, but we are here! This weekend the first six members (Joost, Jos, Thijmen, Peter, Ruben and Siebe) of our project team arrived in Guyana.
Most of the people in Europe are enjoying their holidays at the moment. Travelling around and seeing the most beautiful landscapes, cultures, beaches and people.
Seeing news about all the events happening lately in Europe and the Middle-East makes me realize that both worlds have to live with insecurity. We experience the sense of insecurity relatively recent, but we all know there are places in the world where people have been living with wars for centuries.
I start counting my days, just less than one week before take-off, with an in between pit-stop in Athens, I will arrive Wednesday in Beirut. My friends and family are asking me, what are you going to do? Can’t you just go to Spain or France? What are your expectations? Those are the most common questions I get.