During a doctorate award ceremony, some people wear a headscarf, a yarmulke or another symbol of their faith. Why should someone not be awarded a doctoral degree in a pirate suit, TU PhD student Michael Afanasyev wants to know.
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De redactieraad van Delta en Delft Integraal/Delft Outlook zoekt nieuwe leden. Studenten en medewerkers kunnen zich melden. Delta is het journalistieke online platform en Delft Integraal het alumni-magazine van de universiteit. Ze worden gemaakt door dezelfde redactie.
Are you done taking exams, or just had enough of studying? The Delft Student E-Sport Association (DSEA) is hosting a full day of binge watching the League of Legends World Championships this Saturday.
Wat speelt er op de faculteiten? Wat is er aan de hand binnen de universiteitsdienst? Waarover maakt de ondernemingsraad zich druk? Een serie over medezeggenschap aan de TU Delft. Vandaag deel 2: de Universiteitsdienst (UD).
Clearer, more searchable and a homepage with more to choose from: the Delta website has been updated in line with user experiences over the first few months.
Mladena Luković is this year’s best female Delft University of Technology PhD candidate. She received the Dewis Award for her research into Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC), which she was awarded Cum Laude. How does she feel about winning this prize?
Wat speelt er op faculteiten? Wat is er aan de hand binnen de universiteitsdienst? Waarover maakt de ondernemingsraad zich druk? Met de medezeggenschapsverkiezingen voor de deur probeert Delta in kaart brengen welke onderwerpen kiezers in de gaten moet houden. Dat doen we graag samen met onze lezers.
Housing, language, making Dutch friends, getting to know your way around Delft, loneliness. Studying at TU Delft is so much more than just attending classes and spending hours on end in the library. Delta helps to address problems that international students sometimes deal with and help solve them.