No corona compensation for students yet
Two weeks ago, D66 and the CDA Minister Van Engelshoven decided on support measures for students. The minister promised them, but first she wanted to be sure which students were delayed because of the corona crisis. She said in advance that especially last year students are eligible for financial compensation, but she didn’t want to pre-empt it any further.
During a debate on the support measures last Thursday, none of the proposals submitted by SP, GroenLinks and PvdA reached a parliamentary majority. D66 MP Paul van Meenen had previously announced that he wanted to await the Minister’s investigation. It seems “rather odd” to him to prescribe in advance what compensation measures should be taken while the Minister has not yet even mapped out the problems. His colleagues from the CDA, VVD and ChristenUnie did not disagree. But Kirsten van den Hul, who had submitted the PvdA motion, did not find it at all odd: the right to travel has recently been extended by three months for all students, hasn’t it? “That was done because many students are understandably worried about their financial position.” (HOP)
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