The victims of the lack of social safety at TU Delft get caught in a web of hierarchical uncertainty, a lack of action and unequal power relationships, reveals an investigation by Delta. This often worsens the situations of those seeking help. “TU Delft shattered me entirely.”
Ten rowing associations are signing a new cooperation agreement with inland shipping companies and the Province of South Holland for improved safety on water. What will the covenant mean in practice?
The Executive Board sent the first progress report on social safety to the Inspectorate of Education on 1 October. It contains details about measures that are intended to improve social safety.
From 1 October, Rob Mudde is no longer the Vice Chair and Vice Rector Magnificus of TU Delft. Delta spoke to him on his very last day, just before he officially bid farewell. How does he look back at his time on the Executive Board?
Heating in eleven TU Delft buildings will remain off for four to six weeks. This is due to two leaks in the campus heat grid. Employees and students are advised to dress in layers now that it is getting colder outside.
In the last few months, TU Delft students and employees have shared their views on collaboration with the fossil fuel industry in various initiatives. These have now been collected in a report. The main recommendations? Ensure transparency and set clear conditions on partnerships.
Just before the summer holidays, the Plan for Change on social safety was deemed inadequate by the Inspectorate of Education on the grounds that it was too vague and incomplete. The Executive Board said that it sees that assessment as an encouragement, but also felt disappointed and hurt. What is the situation now? “I have left the resentment behind”, Tim van der Hagen said.
When Vice-Rector Magnificus Rob Mudde steps down on 1 October, the recruitment of a successor will be well underway. The Supervisory Board hopes that his successor can start in the first quarter of 2025.
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