TU: vaccination readiness is low
Not everyone in the Netherlands is jumping for joy at the prospect of being vaccinated for Covid-19. The people who are in doubt about the vaccination are mostly worried about any potential risks. These were the research findings of TU Delft, the University of Maastricht, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Roskilde University and the RIVM (Netherlands National Institute for Public Health and the Environment). “Our research shows that in the best case scenario, if a vaccination is highly effective and has few side effects, 39% of Dutch people want to be vaccinated straightaway, while 48% would rather wait and see what happens to other people, and 13% reject the vaccination altogether,” says TU Delft researcher Niek Mouter. He says that he is surprised about the high number of doubters. Mouter is now working on follow-up research into how the Dutch would like the vaccination programme to be run. (TvD)
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