Additional million euro for students wellbeing
The torentje in The Hague (Photo: Ellen 26/Pixabay)
On the initiative of the parliament, minister Dijkgraaf is making one million euros available to strengthen knowledge and expertise on student welfare in higher education and mbo. The Lower House voted unanimously in favour of this on Friday 9 December.
The governing parties ChristenUnie, VVD, CDA and D66 jointly tabled an amendment that enjoyed broad political support. According to the parties, educational institutions need more knowledge and expertise on spotting students’ mental problems and finding solutions. They also call for a national conference.
The minister had already set aside 15 million euros annually with which universities and colleges of higher education can tackle student mental health problems. The government parties also want a “national handbook” for colleges, universities and mbo institutions in which expertise is exchanged and good examples are shared.
Education minister Dijkgraaf sees the amendment as a good addition to existing plans. He calls it vital to free up resources for student welfare because studies on it show “worrying signs” and there is “great urgency to take action”. Experts and student associations are asked to help think about how best to spend the extra 1 million euros. (HOP, PvT / Delta, RvdW)
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