Although coastal engineering generally deals with very large systems, another part of our research is to zoom in at grain size level. For beach nourishment, it is important to match the grain diameter of the new sand with the native beach sand.
Therefore, a massive scale reduction from kilometers to millimeters took place to find out.
Since we don’t speak Vietnamese, the communication was a bit troublesome, but we managed to make clear what we wanted to do. Once the lab staff understood our idea, they were very skillful in helping us. Weighing, drying, sieving, that’s what we did for days and days. Finally some results are visible, which indicate that only the river sand might be suitable to restore the beaches. The rest of our sea samples were only mud and cannot be used. Dredging sand from the river would not solve the lack of sand in the coastal system. More research still has to be done to find a proper borrow location elsewhere.
This Friday, when the exams start in Delft (good luck everyone!), we will finish our project by giving the final presentation at the Thuy Loi University in Hanoi. After that, it is time for some holiday travels through South-East Asia to really finalise Project Hoi An in a great way!
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