Anti cheat software was unsafe
Via the software programme Proctorio, those with malicious intent could gain access to students’ computers for months on end and watch their webcams. It is not clear whether this actually happened.
Cybersecurity company Computest investigated the software programme used by many universities and colleges (TU Delft does not use the software) at the request of RTL Nieuws (in Dutch). The leak has now been closed.
To detect examination fraud Proctorio has access to the camera and microphone of the students’ computer. This is used to check whether they often look away from the screen and possibly cheat. Proctorio also has full access to the websites that students visit and checks which files they download during an exam.
Due to the lack of “essential security”, criminals could easily abuse the far-reaching rights of the programme, reports RTL. They could then make recordings with the webcam and gain access to online accounts, such as email, payment services and online wallets. On 18 June, Computest reported the vulnerability to Proctorio and a week later the leak had been plugged. (HOP, HC)
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