
Can face masks kill viruses?

During the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic, a group of EEMCS students put their skills to use and developed a face mask that cleans the air while you breathe it in.

(Screenshot: TU Delft TV)

In the first few months of the pandemic, personal protective equipment such as face masks became scarce. It triggered a group of bachelor students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) to put their talents to use. They switched their ongoing bachelor graduation project to a topic that could provide a solution to the increasing need for protective gear.

Ultraviolet sterilisation

“At that point in time there was a desperate shortage of protective equipment, especially in intensive care units,” team member Jasper-Jan Lut recalls. “It was an excellent moment to see if we electrical engineering students could figure out a way to make face masks better and smarter and thus reduce the scarcity.”

  • TU Delft TV made a short documentary about the future face mask: