This is the third article in a series of blogposts in which we will share our experiences of IRPdelft, a non-profit foundation which provides master students a challenging international and educational experience abroad during the summer. Throughout the year, we will share our experiences.
Vorige week trokken we ons tien dagen lang terug van onze studies om met het Nederlands Studenten Kamerkoor te zingen, wandelen en borrelen. Tien dagen met alleen het koor om je heen, zonder connectie met de buitenwereld. Des te groter was het contrast met ons allereerste concert in Rotterdam.
Now that the design is finished, it is time to turn our dreams into reality. The production phase for the Hull and Body department is being done at the Rondal and Royal Huisman wharf.
Net toen de spanning van de tentamenperiode voorbij was, nam hij toe bij de studenten van het NSK: met nog maar twee weken tot het eerste concert kregen we de kans om voor het zondagochtendconcert in de Spiegelzaal op Radio 4 te zingen. Verder kregen we op zaterdag onverwachts bezoek vanuit Letland.
What if we could harness heat from electronic devices and our bodies and recycle it as electrical energy? That way we could power anything, from cars and wristwatches to the I
Ranga Rao left Delft for Bangalore last week because of the condition of his mother. He was thinking that Dutch society is much more inward, mature and less emotional.
How can waste from the rice industry contribute to a more sustainable world? Students Luna Hollander, Ivar Schretlen and Steven Jansen and their mentor Barry W. Fitzgerald tri
Having been set a brief, students of the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment at TU Delft formed a collective, Maldives Matter. This organisation, with the help of sponsors and contributors, successfully completed a research trip to the Maldives. After this journey, the students started creating design proposals that focus on inefficient waste management and agriculture.