Currently, there is no readily available fuel option that could replace heavy fuel oils in large freight and merchant ships. During their minor in Responsible Innovation stude
Hull, electronics, stability, and driveline. The Delft Solar Boat Team will proudly present its new design in the Aula on Wednesday January 25. Nick Borst, technical manager of the team, describes the preparations.
On his bike to TU Delft, Roberto Francica, a master’s student in sustainable energy technology, was watching ships passing through the Schie canal. He started wondering what the inland waterway shipping industry is doing to reduce emissions? This is what he found.
How should today’s farmers feed our exploding world population, while climate change constantly ruins their soils? Let’s go back to basics – solar energy and seawater.
Sipping coconut water on white pristine beaches, snorkelling amongst the most beautiful coral reefs on the planet – a dream that can be a reality, but for how much longer? The Maldives seems to be the most perfect place on earth, but this piece of paradise is under great threat. Sixty-four students of the Architectural Engineering Master are working on solutions.
On the first day of the new year, Assistant Professor Ranga Rao Venkatesha Prasad suddenly remembered an incident which happened 18 years ago.
Technische studenten die zich naast hun studie bezighouden met muziek op hoog niveau: het is een fenomeen dat zich vaker voordoet dan je zou denken. Deze vier studenten zingen dit jaar mee met het Nederlands Studenten Kamerkoor, een projectkoor dat onder het thema “Война и Мир” (Oorlog en Vrede) na een korte, intensieve repetitieperiode negen concerten door heel Nederland gaat uitvoeren. We vertellen je over onze ervaringen in vier blogs.
You can no longer deny that smartphones have become an inseparable part of everyday life. Should we embrace the benefits or should we worry?
This is the second in a series of blogpost where we will share our experiences as IRPdelft, a foundation that provides master students a challenging international and educational experience. Throughout the year, we will share our experiences.