Poetic impression by Bauke Steenhuisen of the dissertation ‘Self-Healing Corrosion Protective Sol-Gel Coatings’ van Mina Abdolah Zadeh, defended on the 29th of January.
Verdichting door Jeroen Manders van het afstudeerproject ‘Multi-Domain SystemC Model of a Neural Interface’ door Kiki Wirianto, op 14 januari 2016.
Done! After nine weeks of observing, analysing, calculating and creative thinking, it is over. Last Friday we finished our project with the final presentation at the Thuy Loi University.
Although coastal engineering generally deals with very large systems, another part of our research is to zoom in at grain size level. For beach nourishment, it is important to match the grain diameter of the new sand with the native beach sand.
‘Project Hoi An’ is no longer in Hoi An. We lived for five weeks in the beautiful ancient town, where we experienced awesome things, celebrated Christmas and New Year in 30°C and met some very interesting people in daily life.
After several weeks of analysis it is becoming more and more clear that beach nourishment will be one of the best, if not the only solution, to deal with the coastal erosion in Hoi An. But where to take this sand? Time for some fieldwork again!
Breakfast? ‘Let’s go to the same bread stall’. Chicken with rice, Phở Bò or Cao lầu? ‘I know just the right place!’ ‘My bike is broken..
Verdichting door Jan Beuving van de dissertatie ‘Integrated Temperature Sensors based on Heat Diffusion’, door Caspar van Vroonhoven verdedigd op 4 december 2015 aan de TU Delft.
‘What do YOU think of the problem?’ In the Netherlands it is common to hear this question when you are affected by a large civil engineering issue, or in other words, when you are a stakeholder in the project.
Minister Jet Bussemaker van Onderwijs ziet wel wat in een experiment om studenten collegegeld te laten betalen per vak. Maar zo’n flexibel onderwijssysteem is niet voor iedereen geschikt, waarschuwde ze zojuist in de Tweede Kamer.