
Studenten hoeven vanaf komende tentamenperiode geen tentamenticket meer te laten zien. In 44 zalen zijn kaartlezers opgehangen, waar studenten hun campuscard kunnen scannen. De doorstroming bij de deur moet daardoor sneller verlopen.

De afgelopen weken is in Delftse studentenhuizen verschillende keren brand ontstaan doordat de vlam in de pan was geslagen. De brandweer roept studenten op zich te verdiepen in hoe te handelen als zoiets gebeurt.

After a long weekend it was time to make the final adjustments to the report and do the final presentation.
The main focus of the week was finishing the report and making the final presentation. Tuesday we worked the whole day making the presentation to be held by Karel and Marlies and do the last spell check on the report.

Waking up on Monday meant the start of the last official work week we had reserved for our project. With the deadline in sight and still a lot of work to do, we feared our reserve week would have to be used.

The end of the project is coming closer and closer and time has come to wrap up the report and prepare for the presentation. Before we do this some much needed relaxation is needed to prepare us for the hard work ahead!