
When we returned from the Iguazu falls, it was time to pick things up again. After visiting such a beautiful natural site, it was hard to start off like nothing happened. With our final deadline in sight, and lots of work yet to be done, we pulled ourselves together and forced ourselves to continue.

De inhuur van derden aan de TU is in 2014 voor het eerst in jaren licht gedaald, van 37,9 naar 37,1 miljoen euro. Dat blijkt uit een analyse die de dienst finance maakte van de
inhuur van extern personeel.

Fietsers van en naar de TU vormen op piekmomenten zo’n onafgebroken verkeersstroom op de kruising Jaffalaan-Michiel de Ruyterweg dat er voor automobilisten geen doorkomen aan is. Gemeente en universiteit hebben maatregelen bedacht.

‘Ik zal mij gedragen zoals men dat van een goed student mag verwachten.’ Zo begint de Bachelor Belofte, die tweedejaars studenten werktuigbouwkunde, maritieme techniek en klinische technologie woensdag 7 oktober krijgen uit handen van hun opleidingsdirecteuren.

After we finishing the three different total solutions for the flood problems in Cartagena, this week we started working on the chosen final system. It was decided that not one of the considered system fitted the problems best, so a combination has been made.

After several weeks of steady progress we decided it was time for some time off. As Brazil is famous for its nature and natural wonders, we could not forgive ourselves if we did not visit Brazil’s most famous landmark, the Iguazu falls.

With the results of the multi criteria analysis of last week we were ready to create three global solutions. After a brainstorm session, to see how we could implement the best coastal and drainage element into a total solution, the following solutions were created: the safe city, the green city and the show piece.

The week started with a close encounter with some of the reptilian kind. The discovery of a running iguana was closely followed by the discovery of a rather small but beautiful red snake.