Volgens columnist Bob van Vliet leidt de aandacht voor diversiteit en haar veronderstelde voordelen de universiteit af van de fundamentele waarden die ze hoort te dienen.
The infamous winds around the EEMCS building are a known effect in architecture. For some of the world’s highest skyscrapers engineers have come up with solutions.
The solid glass façade of Chanel’s Crystal House in Amsterdam was their breakthrough. Three years later ‘fat glass’ for structural use has won colour, curves and circularity.
How does the architecture of the Library add to its functionality? In this series on urbanism, student Malavika Krishnan will change the way you perceive TU Delft’s campus.
Met muziek, taart, confetti en een luchtalarm hebben de Landelijke Studentenvakbond en FNV Jong het startschot gegeven voor hun campagne tegen het leenstelsel.
Wetenschappers komen weer wat vaker in vaste dienst, becijfert de VSNU. Maar niet in Delft, Tilburg en bij de Open Universiteit. Daar nemen de tijdelijke contracten juist toe.
What would you do if you were offered an opportunity to disappear? To imitate your own death and restart life anew? The Amelia Project is a podcast based on this premise.
What events have the walls of the Architecture building witnessed? In this series on urbanism, student Malavika Krishnan will try to change the way you perceive the TU campus.
Pooja Ramakrishnan is studying MSc Environmental Engineering and attended the climate strike in The Hague last Friday. She wrote this article to share her experiences.