Although the last full episode aired over two years ago, Pooja Ramakrishnan thinks Wolf 359, a dramatic science-fiction podcast, is worth both your ears and more.
Pizza is gezond, maar alleen in Italië. En welk briefgeld draagt de meeste bacteriën? Nederland heeft vannacht weer twee keer ‘gewonnen’ bij de jaarlijkse Ig Nobel Prijzen.
Why does the Aula look like a massive squatting frog? In this series on urbanism, student Malavika Krishnan will try to change the way you perceive the TU Delft campus.
Master student Pooja Ramakrishnan reviews a book that befits and reflects the season in Delft: new students arriving with their suitcases, anticipation, and anxiety.
Delta is off for the holidays. We will be back at full strength in the week of August 12th. We’ve selected our five most read articles to get you through slow news season.
We went to Monaco as a student team with an ambitious dream. After a rollercoaster of disasters and victories we returned as the world Offshore Solar Boat race champion.
Vijftig jaar geleden zette Neil Armstrong als eerste mens voet op de maan. In de toekomst zal de mensheid andere sterrenstelsels bewonen, voorspelt dr. Angelo Vermeulen.
Work pressure in academia is not resolved by devoting more weekend time to work. Post-doc researcher Ali Haseltalab concludes this series with a call to collective action.
There is much to do about work pressure increase in academia, including TU Delft. In this series, post-doc researher Ali Haseltalab will dive into the root causes.