Vorige week presenteerde Ed Nijpels de hoofdlijnen van het Nederlandse klimaatakkoord. Vijf sectoren lieten zien hoe ze de uitstoot van broeikasgassen tot 2030 gaan verminderen. Hoe kan de TU Delft daaraan bijdragen? TU-experts Paulien Herder en Aad Correljé hebben wel wat ideeën.

In a letter, Lijst Beta chair Axel Meeuwissen stated that the discussion on diversity at TU Delft should be turned into action. PhD student Sander Konijnenberg disagrees: “Inaction is to be preferred over reckless, dangerous, severely ill-considered action.”

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science (EEMCS) is looking for ideas on how to increase its number of female students. TU Delft policy advisor, Geneviève Girard, thinks the university should ‘play the societal impact card’. She sent dean John Schmitz this letter.