The student council elections start today. Both ORAS and Lijst Bèta have made an effort to reach international students. Most students know they have the right to vote, but what do the international students what their student council to do?
As international students have the right to vote, they too are represented in the student council. Therefore, both student political parties set specific goals for this group . For example, ORAS wants to integrate the Dutch introduction week OWEE with the introduction program for international students. Furthermore, the council is working on an umbrella organization for all of the small international communities in Delft. So, Delta asked the international students: “What could TU Delft learn from your previous university?
Saurabh Sontakke (27) from Mumbai, India, studying precision and microsystems engineering (Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering):
“The Education is way better here, as professors are expected to maintain a high standard. However, I do not think evening classes are a good thing. We never had that in Mumbai. I like how many opportunities their are to do sports at TU Delft and I want to be able to do such things in the evening. Also, there are not enough study places during the exam periods.”
Lola Giuffre (22) from Melbourne, Australia, studying precision and microsystem engineering (Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering 3mE):
“To be honest, I hadn’t heard of the student council before last week. Anyway, I think Delft is better than my university back in Australia, because there are not many open hours compared to here. In Australia, more lectures are recorded. I think that TU Delft should do so as well. The Aula has less choice in food and is way more expensive. I liked all the different cafes back in Melbourne.”
Ryan Sandhu (22) from London, UK, studying civil engineering (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences):
“All the administrative stuff is well taken care of in London. I feel like there is a lack of communication with the international office here at the TU Delft. Education is more interesting here though, as classes are interactive.”
Ioannis Petridis (27) from Volos, Greece, studying biomedical engineering (Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering 3mE):
“I think TU Delft needs more study places, during exam periods. Then, I cannot find a study place. I am going to vote, but I’m not sure for which party yet.”
Oscar Valmas (21) from London, UK, studying civil engineering, (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences):
“Delft does a lot of things well. There are only a few small things my university does better. The library here in Delft is not open all night, nor is our faculty building open during the weekends. I got used to the ability of working at university during the weekends in the UK. Furthermore, there should be a standard amount of past exams on Blackboard. In the UK, it is the standard that at least three years of past papers with solutions are available.”
Do you have suggestions or tips for the student council or for Delta? Let us know!
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