Theo van Ruijven wrote a PhD thesis entitled ‘Multidisciplinary Emergency Management: a comparative study of coordination and performance of on-scene command teams in virtual reality exercises’.
Afbeelding: Ella Nitters
Large parts of his study were conducted in Zeeland, involving the Westerschelde Tunnel. The sonnet is written by Bauke Steenhuisen.
How to study how an infrastructure
scrambles to its feet again when it
goes wrong, out of control, when it’s been hit
by chaos, catastrophe or sheer disrupture?
Make a game about an incident.
This allows to shoot the human factor
with a camera for every actor.
Watch when systems are resilient.
Behold! You’ll get a data sea to drown in,
nine full working weeks of evidence
to binge-watch, yawning, labelling and counting
all behaviours and their circumstance,
until, luctor et emergo, bouncing
back exposes its intelligence.
Bauke Steenhuisen (universiteit docent bij de faculteit TBM) en Jeroen Manders (zanger, acteur, tekstschrijver, componist en voormalig IO student) verdichtten tussen december 2014 en maart 2017 42 keer een Delftse afstudeerscriptie of proefschrift tot een sonnet. Illustraties waren van Ella Nitters.
Poetic Engineering / Poetic Engineering
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