The fine amount for (former) students who forget to cancel their public transport card was 5 million euros in 2021. In 2014, it was 52.6 million. How can it go down further?
Through Project Safe Refuge, students Kika and Kasia are working with a team on innovative transitional housing for Ukrainian refugees. They have started a crowdfunding.
Een op de drie medezeggenschappers is tevreden over hun invloed op de gang van zaken aan hun instelling of opleiding. In het hbo zijn de leden net iets positiever.
When nanobiology master’s student Ingmar Visser discovered an affinity for programming, she decided to explore something new through an internship.
A temporary emergency shelter for 200 asylum seekers will be built in the southern part of the campus. “Delft is keen to help relieve the critical situation in Ter Apel.”
Carin Wensveen was recently appointed as the student ombudsperson. How can she help? “The important thing is to solve conflicts so that the students in question can move on.”
A small shift in the Student Council: Lijst Bèta has pinched a seat from Oras. The division of seats is now six for Oras and four for Lijst Bèta.
Under the new collective labour agreement for universities, salaries will rise by 4 percent. Arrangements about permanent jobs for teaching staff will follow at a later date.
Through their start-up, master’s student Neva Rustad and her co-founders want to help students with mental health and well-being.