Student accommodation and the growth of TU Delft are returning themes in the election manifestos of Delft’s political parties. A series of interviews with party candidates.
Student accommodation and the growth of TU Delft are returning themes in the election manifestos of Delft’s political parties. A series of interviews with party candidates.
Het gaat niet goed met de medezeggenschap: de verkiezingsopkomst loopt terug, er zijn te weinig kandidaten. Toch ziet minister Dijkgraaf geen reden tot ingrijpen.
Student accommodation and the growth of TU Delft are returning themes in the election manifestos of Delft’s political parties. A series of interviews with party candidates.
Student accommodation and the growth of TU Delft are returning themes in the election manifestos of Delft’s political parties. A series of interviews with party candidates.
Like many of his compatriots, TU Delft postdoc Pavlo Bazilinskyy is doing what he can to help people on the frontlines in Ukraine. “They just want to protect their home.”
Student accommodation and the growth of TU Delft are returning themes in the election manifestos of Delft’s political parties. A series of interviews with party candidates.
Student accommodation and the growth of TU Delft are returning themes in the election manifestos of Delft’s political parties. A series of interviews with party candidates.
Student accommodation and the growth of TU Delft are returning themes in the election manifestos of Delft’s political parties. A series of interviews with party candidates.