The social safety plan of action that TU Delft needs to submit to the Inspectorate of Education in mid-May is almost ready. At least, the version that the Executive Board wants to submit. It concerns a ‘living document’ that has been renamed a ‘change management plan’. In the document, the Executive Board expresses repentance, recognises that looking back is needed, and names a few potential measures for the short and longer term.
At least 130 people gathered in front of the Executive Board’s door during the ‘walk-out’ on Monday. The organisers said that they felt solidarity with students and staff members in Amsterdam and Utrecht. They also demanded that TU Delft breaks ties with Israeli universities and the weapons industry. Vice-Rector Rob Mudde had a brief talk with the activists.
In July, the Olympic Games will be held in Paris. TU Delft top athletes are ready to compete. What are their lives like and are they ready? Part 1: rower Willemijn Mulder.
Despite repeated requests, the Supervisory Board did not share the draft report by the Inspectorate of Education about social safety with the representation bodies during the reappointment process of Rector Tim van der Hagen. The Supervisory Board claimed that there was nothing in the report that would jeopardise the reappointment.
A group of pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrated at TU Delft on Tuesday afternoon. The students decided to take action after a tented camp of protesters at the UvA was cleared by police Monday night.
At the Democracy Day organised by students on Wednesday 1 May, staff members and students discussed how TU Delft could be governed differently. “We do not have to accept the situation as it is now.”
On the orders of TU Delft, Delta took offline an investigative article about the problems at the I&IC Department on Monday 15 April. Apologies from the Executive Board followed on 16 April. Despite the apologies, Delta has not yet published the article again. Read the reasons for this below.
A publication break in May: that is something new. But exceptional times call for exceptional measures. That is why we are taking a week off from that ever-spinning news mill.
During the consultation meeting of April, the Student Council and the Works Council again discussed social safety with the Executive Board. The Councils’ members agreed with the Executive Board that they could share an ‘80% version’ of the social safety plan of action with their constituencies.