They finished secondary school without final exams or parties and have now started student life in a whole new way. Three first years talk about studying in times of corona.
The fierce battle for research funds impacts academic freedom, argues Dutch science association KNAW. Researchers are increasingly constrained by requirements and conditions.
In verkiezingstijd kunnen politici gouden bergen beloven, maar wat hebben ze de afgelopen jaren gedaan? Welke moties hebben ze gesteund en welke juist niet? Een overzicht.
After nearly a year of online learning, you may feel trapped within four walls. How can you create a comfortable space to study in a student room?
Working with the Port of Rotterdam has been a fascinating learning experience for Shahrzad Nikghadam. She’s looking forward to seeing her model put into practice.
For safety reasons, all activities in the EEMCS high-rise have ceased on Thursday 18 February for at least three months. The reason is fire safety.
What does TU Delft do if its researchers come under fire on social media for doing their work? “Open support is welcome.”
Het AOb-verkiezingsdebat is op het laatste moment afgelast. Maar woensdagavond kunnen politici hun zegje doen tijdens het verkiezingsdebat van studentenorganisatie ISO.
Research shows that all that online learning is affecting the emotional state of students. International students talk about how online studying is taking its toll on them.