Students much prefer to live with flatmates. This finding emerged from research done by Stip, Oras and WijWonen.
TU Delft wants to lengthen the teaching day to spread traffic and building occupancy. This and other changes will take effect on 1 August.
Research institute Clingendael warns of Chinese attempts to influence higher education and research in the Netherlands. Lack of freedom in China leads to Dutch self-censorship
TU Delft staff were attacked by hackers last week. The TU Delft cyber security expert Marthe Uitterhoeve is concerned. “The attacks are becoming more ingenious.”
Raising the rent during the corona crisis will cause fewer problems for students than postponing the increase will have on Duwo, says the student housing company.
Vandaag 3 juli is het 100 jaar geleden dat de Technische Hogeschool in Bandung haar deuren opende. Delftse ingenieurs en hoogleraren waren nauw betrokken bij de oprichting.
The municipality is encouraging the people of Delft to rent rooms to students in their homes. To VSSD, living in lodgings is not a ‘long term solution’ to the housing crisis.
The three members of the TU Delft Executive Board claimed EUR 28,000 more in 2019 than the previous year. Where is that money going?
Doing a Go/No-go presentation online was a learning experience for PhD candidate Supriya Krishnan. So, she compiled a list of tips that might be helpful for others.