Hoe realiseren we een digitale samenleving die gezond, weerbaar, eerlijk en inclusief is? Drie Delftse studenten denken daar dit jaar voor De Nationale Denktank over na.
Universiteiten en hogescholen willen de kloof tussen hbo en wetenschappelijk onderwijs verkleinen. Meest opvallende idee: ook hogescholen gaan promovendi opleiden.
No classes to teach, no final papers to grade, no assessments to participate in… WOinActie is considering an all-out strike by scientists and lecturers.
He had worked there for two days when the travel agent Thomas Cook went bankrupt. Now Master of Aerospace Engineering student Brent Kool is looking for a new internship.
Winner of the Inspiration Award 2019, IJsbrand de Lange, has much to thank his thesis supervisor for. “It’s because of him that my company got off the ground.”
Great education is more than the right combination of quality and equity, say two researchers from OECD. Language and culture also matter.
Picture this, in just one year’s time a group of master students will work together to assemble an aircraft kit. One that will be airworthy and certified to fly.
If Dutch government is going to invest in knowledge and innovation, why rush to shift money to the technical uni’s? Put that plan on hold, says opposition party GroenLinks.
In de verre toekomst moeten universiteiten en hogescholen 226 miljoen euro inleveren, omdat studenten geen hogere rente op studieschulden gaan betalen. Hoe zit dat precies?