Misconduct by university professors in Leiden and Leuven was allowed to go unchecked for many years. “It doesn’t surprise me”, says professor Naomi Ellemers.
1919 Chinese researchers are conducting doctoral research in the Netherlands on a scholarship that pays below minimum wage. Universities barely contribute financial support.
Doctoral candidate Aswin Muralidharan was able to introduce DNA into cells without rupturing them using electric shocks. This technique could be interesting for gene therapy.
The wind fields generated in the Wind AI Lab are almost real. During the opening, Jan-Willem van Wingerden demonstrated the possibilities of this new lab.
Biologists, hydraulic engineers and dozens of fish were involved in a rare experiment on campus last week. The purpose is to protect fish from hydropower turbines.
PhD candidates often wait until they have their dissertation before reporting intimidation, discrimination and abuse of power for fear of reprisals.
AeroDelft and aircraft manufacturer Airbus are to collaborate on ‘the biggest challenge in aviation’: emission-free flying on hydrogen. They announced this recently.
The handling of building permits is often slow and opaque. A European project led by TU Delft geo-informatics should improve the process. 3D-Professor Jantien Stoter explains.
Dutch universities have signed a European agreement designed to reform how scientific research is assessed and rewarded. They are among the first signatories.