Ingenious weighing scales made at TU Delft may help the police solve murder cases more quickly. They help the police determine when murder victims died.
The James Webb Space Telescope can map thousands of asteroids in five years without sacrificing costly observation time, Lenka Husárová has calculated. A useful by-catch.
Despite the war, many Ukrainian researchers continue to work on next year’s enrolments, graduation theses and research. “One of my students is now fighting on the front line.”
The TV programme Nieuwsuur has revealed that Dutch universities keep incomplete and chaotic records of their professors’ ancillary activities and financial interests.
De grootste wetenschappelijke doorbraken zijn te verwachten bij samenwerking tussen disciplines, stelt Eppo Bruins, de nieuwe voorzitter van adviesraad AWTI.
Only with the immediate speeding up on climate action across the world can we prevent the planet from heating up disastrously, warns IPCC. “The next few years are critical.”
Democracy is under fire. “We have let ourselves be lulled into passivity,” says Philosopher Jeroen van den Hoven who advises the European Commission on ethics and technology.
Does the new ideal of recognition and rewards in science damage the Netherlands’ competitive position? Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf thinks it does not.
The war echoes in space. ESA cannot access the European Robotic Arm as it is attached to the Russian ISS. Paul Breedveld earned his doctorate with this robotic arm in 1996.