When medieval brewers crossbred baker’s yeast with a wild species, we got thirst-quenching lager. Now TU scientists kick-started the wild strain to produce another fine beer.
The Industrial Design section started in 1962 in an attic room of the Faculty of Architecture, with two students and a few teachers. Thanks to engineer Joost Van der Grinten.
After 10 years of preparation, everything came together when tagged instruments were used in a real operation for the first time last February.
Seventeen young researchers have been awarded Rubicon scholarships to carry out research abroad for two years. One of them is the TU Delft materials expert Giordano Mattoni.
Stephanie Wehner, ontwerper van quantumnetwerken bij QuTech, ontvangt op 10 april een van de acht Ammodo Science Awards. “Een fijne bijdrage voor riskant onderzoek”, zegt ze.
A highly ambitious proposal to weigh the mass of a single protein molecule has won Dr Chirlmin Joo and his Korean colleague an HFSP research grant. What is their plan?
In the Netherlands, we take our bicycles almost everywhere we go. But what if you are unable to keep your balance and cycling becomes impossible?
Digitale spionage, politieke beïnvloeding en terrorisme; de TU en AIVD onderzoeken hoe met technologische innovaties weerstand te bieden is aan dit soort digitale dreiging.
Silverwing recently won fifty thousand dollars in the second round of the GoFly competition. Entrants had to fly their aircraft horizontally, vertically and autonomously.