De sociëteit van Virgiel is dit jaar voor het eerst een stembuslocatie tijdens de verkiezingen voor de Tweede Kamer. De studentenvereniging twittert trots dat vele leden zich hebben aangemeld als stembureaulid. De gemeente Delft bevestigt dat, maar laat nog in het midden of het stembureau volledig door Virgilianen zal worden bemenst. Op de TU-campus zal…

Falling snow causes problems at Stieltjesweg At the residential tower on Stieltjesweg, falling ice has been causing problems since Wednesday afternoon. The culprit is the thawing of a thick snow layer that accumulates in the windowsills, causing pieces of frozen snow to fall down with some regularity.   After consultation with TU Delft…

Innovations for intubated patients have advanced another step. Dr Kunal Masania – an associate professor at the Aerospace Engineering (AE) Faculty – participated in a research study from ETH Zurich to develop customised, biodegradable airway stents, bringing aerospace science into the medical field. Patients suffering from a narrowing windpipe require an airway stent, a tube-shaped…

Fire in student flat Duwo A fire broke out in a student flat in Amstelveen on Saturday evening. Five residents were injured and several dozen had to leave their homes. Most students were able to return home later that night, but the smoke and water damage to some rooms was too great. A crowdfunding…

Give students an extra year of study as a gift Studying in times of Covid is not what it should be: so can’t the Dutch Government give young people an extra year of study as a gift? That is what the chairmen of the boards of the Christian University of Applied Sciences Ede and…

TU students build circular observation tower in New Delft    A exceptional object is emerging on the Westlandseweg in Delft: a temporary, circular observation tower. The tower, made almost entirely of wood, has been designed by TU Delft students Edmund Thomas Green and Ludvig Sundberg (Architecture and the Built Environment). They won a design…

‘AI system should know its own limits’   Every artificial intelligent system makes mistakes, said Professor Inald Lagendijk during his lecture on Engineering Meaningful Human Control for the Bataafsch Society last Monday. For an AI system that has to distinguish apples from pears, mistakes might be amusing, but for an HR…

The demand for shared electric scooters in the Netherlands keeps growing. While they are branded as green, fun, and silent, in Trouw, Prof. Bert van Wee — the Transport Policy Professor at the TPM Faculty — warns that these very attributes are double-edged swords. The Professor argues that the scooters perform worse compared to bicycles…

Higher education will remain in lockdown Primary schools will reopen next week, but universities will have to wait a little longer. The situation remains extremely worrying, write the experts of the Outbreak Management Team (OMT) in its advice to the Dutch government. The OMT is divided, according to a letter on the subject from…

Gratis grasduinen door allerlei Nederlandse wetenschappelijke tijdschriften uit de sociale- en geesteswetenschappen? Vanaf 29 januari kan het, dankzij het nieuwe open access platform OpenJournals. Op dit nieuwe platform kunnen in Nederland uitgegeven tijdschriften hun artikelen publiceren zonder dat deze achter een paywall verdwijnen. Bezoekers kunnen door zeven tijdschriften bladeren. De collectie wordt in drie jaar…