Older students, bigger debts The Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant requested data from the Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO) on student loans, broken down by field of study. As it turns out: economics and law students, who later think they will earn a good living, borrow considerably more than students with pedagogical or linguistic studies (in…
2.500 euro against loneliness The Vereniging voor Studie- en Studentenbelangen te Delft (VSSD) is launching a campaign and setting up a committee to combat loneliness among students. The committee will receive a budget of 2.500 euro. “In these times, many students are feeling alone or even depressed. The VSSD is setting up a committee that concerns itself with student’s…
Per ongeluk aangemaakt en nu krijg ik het niet verwijderd.
Englis version De Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW) gaat een advies opstellen over hoe de wetenschap een sociaal veiliger werkomgeving kan worden. Voor het opstellen van de adviezen gebruikt de Akademie onder meer het rapport van het Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren, waaruit blijkt dat wangedrag en intimidatie ook in de Nederlandse wetenschap regelmatig…
Website against internship discrimination The Dutch ministry of Education has started a new online campaign against internship discrimination, reports the NOS (in Dutch). The initiative is aimed at higher vocational education (mbo), but at a later stage, Minister of Education Ingrid van Engelshoven also wants to involve higher education. With the website, ‘Kies Mij’ (‘Choose…
Keep ‘flying scientists’ on the ground more often Universities must do their best to reduce their CO2 emissions from flying, according to De Jonge Akademie. In a Wednesday published report (in Dutch) on the ecological footprint of academic flying de Jonge Akademie advises to invest digital conferences and good webcams. Universities often show good intentions with…
VVD still in favor of basic scholarship If it is up to the political party VVD, there will be no new basic scholarship in higher education. In its draft election program, the party pleads for the preservation of the loan system. Four parties supported the abolition of the basic scholarship in 2015. These were…
If it is up to the political party VVD, there will be no new basic scholarship in higher education. In its draft election program, the party pleads for the preservation of the loan system. Four parties supported the abolition of the basic scholarship in 2015. These were the then government parties VVD and PvdA together…
De coronacrisis vraagt veel van medezeggenschappers, zei minister Van Engelhoven op de Dag van de Medezeggenschap, maar goed overleg is belangrijker dan ooit. Ze praatte met studenten over de vierde landelijke medezeggenschapsmonitor, een initiatief van het Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg (ISO) uit de pre-coronatijd. Toch zijn de resultaten van de monitor relevant, vindt Van Engelshoven.…
Photo album Delft in times of Corona Photographer Herman Zonderland captured daily life in Delft during and after the first wave of the corona crisis. Initially he walked around with his camera and notebook through a deserted city, chronicling what it did to him. From Easter onwards there was more life on the streets,…