Not yet an ombudsperson for students TU Delft is investigating two options to deal with the departure of Niek Graafland, former ombudsman students. This said vice rector Rob Mudde in his most recent meeting with the student council. The first option is for Job van Luyken, staff ombudsman, to fulfil a temporary double…
Library will reopen partially Wednesday 8 July the Library will reopen partially, with a limited number of places available for students to study. Reopening will be subsequent to timeslots. Fifty students will be allowed in the morning and fifty students in the afternoon. Students can register for a study place. A link for reservation…
Prosecution demands 24 years in jail and preventive detention against Thijs H. The prosecution demands 24 years in jail and preventive detention (in Dutch: tbs) with coercion against Thijs H. He is suspected of three murders. The TU Delft student, H. was enrolled in the master’s programme Industrial Ecology, is on trial for killing…
From Monday 6 July it will probably be possible to use the fitness facilities at X TU Delft. X is currently examining how, among other things, fitness equipment should be cleaned. “The reopening date depends on this and can therefore be a day later”, says a spokesperson for X. Anyone who wants to work out must book…
New director TU Delft Library Dr Irene Haslinger has been appointed director of TU Delft Library with effect from 1 September 2020. She succeeds Wilma van Wezenbeek, who has been appointed director of Student and Educational Affairs at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Haslinger joined TU Delft as faculty secretary of the Faculty of…
Meer dan 130 eerstejaars studenten van de hotelschool in Maastricht moeten vervroegd hun kamersleutel inleveren. De campus sluit twee weken eerder dan gepland omdat studenten zich ondanks waarschuwingen onvoldoende aan de coronaregels hielden. Volgens directeur Ad Smits negeerden studenten stelselmatig de anderhalve meter. Daarnaast waren zij herhaaldelijk respectloos naar het personeel van de school, dat…
After three months of working from home and with relaxation of corona measures set in motion, Delta wants to get in-depth insight in how students and staff feel about the current situation. That is why we have started an online survey, in collaboration with other higher education media outlets in the Netherlands. The results will be published before the summer break. …
After three months of working from home and with relaxation of corona measures set in motion, Delta wants to get in-depth insight in how students and staff feel about the current situation. That is why we have started an online survey, in collaboration with other higher education media outlets in the Netherlands. The results will be published before the summer break. …
Nu politieke partijen hun verkiezingsprogramma’s gaan schrijven, zet het Centraal Planbureau allerlei keuzes voor het hoger onderwijs op een rij. Als ze ergens op bezuinigen, wat levert het dan op? Als ze studenten een cadeautje willen geven, hoe duur is het dan? Het herinvoeren van de basisbeurs zou bijvoorbeeld een miljard euro per jaar kosten.…
Employee well-being surveys TU Delft now wants to conduct surveys now, in September and in December to monitor the well-being of employees during the corona crisis. Ena Voûte, Dean of Industrial Design Engineering and chair of the Covid-19 working group on work and well-being, stated this. In the video below, Voûte explains that, operationally speaking,…