New Collective Labour Agreement: wage increase and bonus University employees receive a wage increase of 3 percent plus a bonus of 750 euros. At least, if the union members approve the agreement of the negotiators. The new CAO will apply until 1 January 2021. The wage increase will apply from 1 June. Anyone working…
Students borrowing more According to the recently published study ‘ Effect Wet studievoorschot op toegankelijkheid en leengedrag’, the abolition of the basic grant in 2015 had hardly any effect on student behaviour. They only borrow more. The study was carried out by the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) in collaboration with DUO. …
Large fire in student flat in The Hague On Sunday, a major fire raged in The Hague on the sixteenth floor of a student flat. Three people had to go to the hospital because they had inhaled smoke. Some residents of the flat could not flee because the escape routes were full of smoke,…
No corona compensation for students yet Two weeks ago, D66 and the CDA Minister Van Engelshoven decided on support measures for students. The minister promised them, but first she wanted to be sure which students were delayed because of the corona crisis. She said in advance that especially last year students are eligible for financial…
On Wednesday 13 May and Thursday 14 May, all students are invited to vote for a candidate for the central student council and one for the faculty student council. Since the university is closed, all campaigning is being done online. Together with Oras, Lijst Bèta and the New Media Centre, TU Delft is hosting a…
Steeds meer universiteiten stoppen met videoconferentie-app Zoom omdat computers makkelijk gehackt kunnen worden via de app. Ook de TU Delft wil er vanaf. De TU telt ongeveer zesduizend Zoom-gebruikers, meldt ze op intranet. “In veel gevallen waren de licenties individueel aangeschaft om te voorzien in de acute [onderwijs]- behoefte”, staat in het bericht. “Ict heeft daarom…
De KNAW heeft achttien nieuwe leden gekozen. Vier zijn afkomstig van de TU Delft: Frans van der Helm, Ibo van de Poel, Jack Pronk en Barbara Terhal. Leden van de KNAW worden gekozen op grond van hun wetenschappelijke prestaties. Prof. Frans van der Helm, expert in biomechatronica, slaat met zijn onderzoek een brug tussen biomedische…
This year His Majesty the King awarded nine Delft inhabitants a royal decoration. Among them are two TU Delft employees: Ted Barendse (Information Management) and Professor Klaas van Breugel (Civil Engineering & Geosciences). Due to the coronation measures, mayor Marja van Bijsterveldt was unable to present the awards during the traditional Lintjesregen (literally Ribbon Rain). Therefore,…
This year His Majesty the King awarded nine Delft inhabitants a royal decoration. Among them are two TU Delft employees: Ted Barendse (Information Management) and Professor Klaas van Breugel (Civil Engineering & Geosciences). Due to the coronation measures, mayor Marja van Bijsterveldt was unable to present the awards during the traditional Lintjesregen (literally Ribbon Rain). Therefore,…
Dit jaar is aan negen Delftenaren een koninklijke onderscheiding toegekend. Onder hen zijn twee medewerkers van de TU Delft: Ted Barendse (informatiemanagement) en professor Klaas van Breugel (Civiele Techniek & Geowetenschappen). Vanwege de coronamaatregelen kon burgemeester Marja van Bijsterveldt de onderscheidingen niet tijdens de traditionele Lintjesregen uitreiken. De burgemeester informeerde de gedecoreerden op vrijdagochtend via…