TU Delft intensifies research on climate engineering   If the Paris climate objectives are not achieved, you do not want to be left empty-handed. Who knows, it may also be possible to cool down the earth artificially with ‘veils’ of minuscule particles or reflectors that reflect sunlight: solar climate engineering. Last week, Delta wrote about…

Student exhibition about minerals     From Thursday 27 January to Friday 11 February an exhibition of minerals can be seen throughout Delft. The exhibition is organized by TU students of the minor Spaces of Display.   The minerals on display include aluminum, copper, iron, gold, limestone and phosphorus. Minerals that all come from the…

  Podcast about mental health     The Red Cross Student Desk Delft (Rode Kruis Studentendesk Delft) has launched a podcast series on mental health. The first episode – which appeared online on Friday – deals with hidden loneliness.   The series is a collaboration with Red Cross Student desks in Nijmegen, Utrecht and Wageningen.…

  Tijmen Snel as national sprint champion to World Championships     Skater Tijmen Snel can call himself Dutch sprint champion since last weekend. At the NK in Heerenveen he finished after four distances (twice the 500 and twice the 1000 meters) in first place. This earned him a ticket for the World Championships in…

De speciale rechtbank voor het hoger onderwijs CBHO gaat wellicht verdwijnen. Die grote wijziging is verborgen in een wetsvoorstel over het mbo dat de Tweede Kamer komende week zal bespreken. Het college van beroep voor het hoger onderwijs (CBHO) oordeelt over zaken van studenten tegen hun onderwijsinstelling, bijvoorbeeld over het bindend studieadvies, het…

  Vrije Universiteit returns Chinese money     The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam will return the subsidy from China that it received for an investigation into human rights. The neutrality of the research came under discussion after a NOS (in Dutch) news report. The Cross Cultural Human Rights Centre, linked to the Vrije Universiteit, received money…

SER Youth Platform: government must help young people     SER Jongerenplatform finds it about time that politicians take youngsters into account. The high cost of housing, the flexible labour market and study debt must be addressed.   Today the platform presents the exploration ‘Veelbelovend’ (Promising). In it, young people plead for a ‘generation test’…

New TNW building completed 2026 or later     The new building of the Faculty of Applied Sciences will not be completed until the end of 2026 at the earliest. Dean Paulien Herder announced this during an online New Year’s meeting for TNW employees. Physics, as the TU calls the new building, will be located…

Two new ombuds officers Since this week the TU Delft has two new ombuds officers. Birgitte Peters is ombuds officer for employees and Carin Wensveen is ombuds officer for students. Universities are obliged to employ an ombuds officer since July last year. “The ombuds officer has an important role to play in ensuring social safety,…

Een miljard euro heeft het nieuwe kabinet uitgetrokken voor de compensatie van studenten die de basisbeurs misliepen. Veel te weinig, vinden studenten. De Landelijke Studentenvakbond en jongerenvakbond FNV Young & United hebben protest aangekondigd. Op 5 februari zullen ze demonstreren in Amsterdam tegen de lage compensatie. Verschillende Kamerfracties noemen in door het nieuwe kabinet beantwoorde…