Not feeling great? Since last Wednesday you can talk or chat with English speaking volunteers of the Alles Oké? Supportline. The supportline is for everyone between 18 and 24 years old and set up by the Dutch organisation ‘Kindertelefoon’. Since the second lockdown, there has been a lot of focus on student wellbeing. One study…

Not feeling great? Since last Wednesday you can talk or chat with English speaking volunteers of the Alles Oké? Supportline. The supportline is for everyone between 18 and 24 years old and set up by the Dutch organisation ‘Kindertelefoon’. Since the second lockdown, there has been a lot of focus on student wellbeing. One study…

Hunt for students and academics in Belarus Belarusian students who protest against President Lukashenko’s regime are being turned away from their studies, persecuted or imprisoned. That is what human rights organization Amnesty International is warning about. Figures from the independent Belarusian Students’ Association show that at least 480 students have already been arrested this…

Investigation into fire in student flat     How could a fire start in a student flat in Den Bosch in the night of Sunday to Monday, in the apartment on the second floor of a student who was not at home? An investigation into this has been started. The building with sixty apartments was…

Profit on European science budget   Dutch scientists score well in the distribution of European research funds. For every euro that our country contributes to the budget, it gets back 1.70 euros.   In a letter to the Lower House, the Cabinet looks back on the European research and innovation programme of…

Government invests billions more in R&D   Government spending on research and innovation is set to grow significantly: from €7.3 billion in 2019 to €9.2 billion in 2025, according to the Rathenau Institute. But the Netherlands will still not achieve the European target.   Each year, the Rathenau Institute lists the…

Studieschuld, woningnood, een onzekere arbeidsmarkt… Daar moet het volgende kabinet snel mee aan de slag, vinden vier jongerenorganisaties. Ze spraken donderdag met informateur Hamer: een primeur in de formatiegeschiedenis. De voorzitters van jongerenorganisaties FNV Young & United, de Nationale Jeugdraad, de Jonge Klimaatbeweging en Jong AWVN schoven bij Hamer aan voor een gesprek over…

University fund awards grant   Former industrial design student Cora Man has been awarded the Marina van Damme grant of 9000 euros. This grant is awarded annually by the Delft University Fund to a young female engineer to enhance her development. The jury praised Cora Man for the ‘challenging career switch’ she has…

Wageningen students block construction site on campus   Since Thursday morning, students have occupied a building site on the Wageningen University campus, where a new branch of multinational Upfield is to be built. They fear for the independence of education and research.   The activists got in through the construction fences.…

In plaats van meewarig te doen over het tekort aan technische kennis in de Tweede Kamer organiseert de 4TU federatie vanaf vrijdag 21 mei tot aan het zomerreces elke vrijdag een 4TU.Binnenhofcollege. In deze besloten sessies praten een professor, een ondernemer en een student politici in een uur tijd bij over de laatste ontwikkelingen in…