It is many a parent’s nightmare: a swallowed button cell battery from a toy, car key or LED candle. After all, these easily get stuck in the throat. The mucus then conducts the electricity and that dissolves the tissue so that a hole burns in it. A picture of what such a battery does to…
TU Delft student team Forze’s hydrogen racing car has driven its first metres on the Zandvoort circuit.
Two million for graphene microphone Impression of waves in a graphene membrane caused by bacteria. (Illustration: Santiago Mendoza Silva and Pierpaolo Belardinelli) Farbod Alijani, associate professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Marine Engineering & Technical Materials Science, has received an ERC Consolidator Grant to improve his ultra-sensitive microphone made with…
NWO grants increased Due to increased salaries and prices, science funding body NWO has increased the Veni and Vidi grants for top researchers. The change takes effect immediately and therefore already applies to application rounds currently running. Science had been asking for higher research grants for some time. These were less…
Warning about scientist misconduct is not easily allowed Universities are not obligated to warn each other about the misconduct of a researcher who moves to another institution. This would run afoul of privacy laws, explains outgoing Minister Dijkgraaf. Last month, Algemeen Dagblad reported on a professor who was dismissed from Utrecht University…
Wubbo Ockels Innovation awards for sustainability ideas Jury (left) and winners (right) of the Wubbo Ockels Innovation Prize gathered behind the winning laundry rack. Sustainability Coordinator Andy van den Dobbelsteen (second from left) is a member of the jury. (Photo: Marcel Bilow) Sustainability organisation De Groene Grachten presented the Wubbo Ockels…
Twelve TU Delft staff members become Academy of Engineering fellow The Netherlands Academy of Engineering (NAE), founded earlier this year, has appointed 62 fellows: people from the ‘top of the engineering ecosystem’. Twelve of them are connected to TU Delft. Besides rector magnificus Tim van der Hagen and dean of Applied Sciences Paulien…
Five Delft researchers received European Research Council grants. A total of 400 grants have been awarded, 44 of which are to staff from Dutch universities and research institutes.
Dutch research financier NWO has awarded 97 scientists a Vidi grant of up to 800 thousand euro.