Het bindend studieadvies (bsa) is toch niet controversieel, vindt de Tweede Kamer. Op 12 september is het onderwerp onverwachts weggestemd van de lijst met taboeonderwerpen.
What will higher education look like in the year 2040? Outgoing Minister of Education Robbert Dijkgraaf published his long-awaited Foresight Study. It’s time to talk.
International PhD candidates on scholarships are very concerned about their financial situations, Delta reported earlier. PhD Network Netherlands is now sounding the alarm.
Docenten aan universiteiten hebben vaker dan voorheen een vast contract, al is nog altijd de helft in tijdelijke dienst. De TU is koploper vaste contracten voor docenten.
The OWee was early this year and now introductions are over in other cities as well. A look back at #MeToo classes, a student studio lottery and barred associations.
Landlords bypass rules with group contract More and more, students are on joint housing contracts for the whole student house, research from NOS op 3 shows. This way, landlords circumvent the rules. By doing so, they are able to charge higher rents for rooms. Especially in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, students often…
Run on reintroduced basic grant Almost 442 thousand students have now applied for the new basic grant. That is almost seven thousand more than expected, while applications are still open. The previously expected number of 435 thousand was only a forecast, says the DUO spokesperson. It was based on applications in previous years…
IND: Record number non-European students More non-European students than ever will start their studies in the Netherlands this September, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) expects. In the first months of this year, up to and including July, the IND received 17,870 applications for a residence permit related to studying in the…
De OWee is voorbij, de vakantie loopt ten einde en de nieuwsvoorziening is weer op gang. Wat is er de afgelopen zomer zoal in het hoger onderwijs gebeurd?