Former student demands compensation for data breach A former student of the Arnhem and Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences (HAN) is going to court because his private data became public in a data leak. He is demanding compensation and an admission of guilt from the institution. While still a student in 2021,…
New grant for long-term research Research financier NWO’s new Summit grant will provide financial security for research consortia that are among the world’s best for ten years. Six to seven projects stand a chance of winning 40 million euros in funding. For the next ten years, a total budget of 188 million…
In 2019, shortly before the Covid pandemic hit, 20,000 Dutch nationals were taking a degree programme abroad. That was almost double the figure for 2009.
De Tweede Kamer heeft unaniem ingestemd met de terugkeer van de basisbeurs. Veel studenten weten nauwelijks nog wat een basisbeurs is. Twaalf vragen en antwoorden.
The elections on 15 March could have repercussions for higher education and research. A shift in power in the Senate could affect issues such as internationalisation.
De verkiezingen wierpen hun schaduw vooruit in het debat over de nieuwe basisbeurs. De oppositiepartijen maakten veel drukte over de plannen, die ze uiteindelijk toch steunen.
AcademyKiss for bullying research Business expert Susanne Täuber exposes bullying behaviour at universities. For this, she received the annual ‘AcademyKus’ from the General Education Union (AOb) on Valentine’s Day. The AOb prize has been awarded on 14 February every year since 2017 to someone who has made a special commitment to science.…
Where should higher education and science go until 2040? The Ministry of Education is holding four meetings in March where everyone can have their say.
Sinds 2012 stonden DUO-controleurs bij zo’n 23 duizend studenten op de stoep. Het resultaat: 21 miljoen euro aan boetes en terugvorderingen, maar ook missers en rechtszaken.
Return of basic grant not without debate A debate on the return of the basic scholarship is in full swing in the House of Representatives. Why don’t unlucky students get higher compensation for the high debts they incurred in the loan system? opposition parties ask. Since 2015, new students no longer received a…