
Hoger Onderwijs Persbureau


Additional million euro for students wellbeing   The torentje in The Hague (Photo: Ellen 26/Pixabay)   On the initiative of the parliament, minister Dijkgraaf is making one million euros available to strengthen knowledge and expertise on student welfare in higher education and mbo. The Lower House voted unanimously in favour of this on Friday 9…

Female professors sound the alarm     The increase in the number of women at the top of science is not going fast enough. That is the conclusion of the new Monitor Female Professors, presented on Thursday 8 December.   In 2021, the share of female professors increased by 1 per cent. This is the…

‘Iranians do not seem to delay their return’     Hundreds of Iranians are studying or working at Dutch universities of applied sciences and universities. They seem to have no intention of postponing their possible return because of the protests in their homeland, reports Education Minister Dijkgraaf after questions by the GroenLinks political party.   …

Dutch only Een oud-student wilde met terugwerkende kracht een aanvullende beurs krijgen, maar ook in hoger beroep blijft de rechter onvermurwbaar, blijkt uit het vonnis dat op 1 december is gepubliceerd. De student vroeg studiefinanciering aan per april 2011 en kreeg toen een basisbeurs en een lening. Ruim twee jaar later vroeg hij om een…

Climate activists occupy TU Eindhoven   Two action groups occupied a room at TU Eindhoven Monday morning, directly opposite the university’s executive board. They want the university to cut ties with the fossil industry, University magazine Cursor reports.   The 11 activists from End Fossil Occupy and University Rebellion demand that the board declare a…