Universities in particular are pleased with the extra available funding for higher education. Universities of applied sciences and activists do have some concerns.
Higher education institutions can look forward to receiving hundreds of millions of euros. Much of the money is earmarked as ‘personal working capital’ for researchers.
Studenten gaan gebukt onder problemen. Toch moeten we volgens voorzitters van studentenorganisaties LSVb en ISO niet vergeten dat studeren ook leuk is.
Momenteel hebben zich ongeveer tien procent minder studenten aangemeld voor masteropleidingen van Nederlandse universiteiten. Waar ligt dit aan?
Vooral universiteiten zijn blij met het extra geld dat het kabinet heeft uitgetrokken voor het hoger onderwijs. Hogescholen, studenten en activisten plaatsen kanttekeningen.
Government intervention in cases of mismanagement in education The Government is planning to intervene more quickly in cases of mismanagement in education. This is not the same as restricting academic freedom, Minister of Education Wiersma told a critical House of Representatives. The two Christian coalition parties, CDA and CU, have major doubts…
Six researchers receive highest NWO awards Six Dutch scientists received this year’s Spinoza and Stevin awards of 2.5 million euros. They conduct research on distant planets, microbes, Parkinson’s disease, fundamental physics, humanitarian disasters and work-life balance. The grants will be awarded on 5 October. Then the winners will announce what they want to…
‘Students, apply for the energy surcharge’ If it’s up to the government, students won’t get an energy allowance. The Landelijke Studentenvakbond advises students to apply for it anyway. It could potentially save them 800 euros. The energy allowance is meant to help people with a small budget pay the rising energy bills.…
Minister of Education Robbert Dijkgraaf is temporarily scrapping a bill that would have allowed higher education to gain a better grip on the influx of foreign students.