New board for ISO The Dutch National Student Association (Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg, ISO) has elected a new board. Terri van der Velden, 23 years old, will take on the chairmanship and be the spokeswoman. She has already completed her master’s in International and European Governance at Leiden University and is now doing an…
Rubicon grants for 22 young researchers The Dutch research financier NWO has awarded a Rubicon grant to 22 researchers who recently obtained their PhDs. They can use this grant to gain research experience at a foreign knowledge institute. One of them is TU Delft researcher Jochem Vink. He will spend two years at the…
Half a billion euro for digitalisation of education Through the National Growth Fund, the Dutch government is investing a maximum of 6.3 billion euros in projects that contribute to the future ‘earning capacity’ of the Netherlands. A part of this amount, 560 million euros, will go to the digitalisation of higher education and vocational education…
(Foto: Daniël Korvemaker) Bier moet volgens studenten weer gewoon vanaf 15.00 uur geschonken worden op de campussen van de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen (HAN). Ze zijn een petitie begonnen om dat voor elkaar te krijgen. Het bestuur van de HAN heeft vorige maand besloten dat de cafés op de campusterreinen…
More internationals, less from UK Dutch higher education continues to welcome more and more international students. Meanwhile, however, the number of new enrolments from the UK fell by a quarter this academic year. The Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education Nuffic has created a detailed overview of new international student enrolments this academic…
Additional emergency funding for Ukrainian students The Cabinet has allocated another 2.5 million euros in emergency funding for students hit by the war in Ukraine. 2.3 million euros will be shared by institutions in higher education and the rest will go to secondary vocational education (MBO). The additional emergency funding is designated…
‘Veel mensen die naar het wetenschappelijk onderwijs gaan, horen er helemaal niet thuis’, zei VVD-Kamerlid Hatte van der Woude in debat met onderwijsminister Dijkgraaf.
De 24-jarige hbo-student Joram van Velzen uit Utrecht wordt de nieuwe voorzitter van de Landelijke Studentenvakbond. Zijn medebestuursleden komen uit Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Nijmegen en Groningen. Het nieuwe bestuur is dit weekend gekozen en wordt nu ingewerkt. Het gaat vanaf 25 juni aan de slag. Volgens het persbericht wil Van Velzen zich inzetten voor meer kansengelijkheid in…
The TV programme Nieuwsuur has revealed that Dutch universities keep incomplete and chaotic records of their professors’ ancillary activities and financial interests.
Parliament wants one-stop shop for students with disabilities Students with disabilities now have to go through various institutions for financial support. This can be improved, according to the parliament: they want one central point where these students can go. In addition to the basic study grant and the supplementary grant, students with…