If a corona pass becomes mandatory in higher education students can only access campus if they are vaccinated, recovered from corona or have a negative test. Also known as 3G.
Keep your distance Adults must again keep a distance of 1.5 metres. The outgoing cabinet announced this yesterday. For the time being, an exception applies to secondary and higher education. Keeping a distance is only an urgent recommendation at the moment. But the cabinet is going to make it compulsory again “to reduce the sharp…
De Tweede Kamer spreekt grote woorden over het belang van onderwijs, maar extra geld komt er nog niet. De formerende partijen willen eerst de coalitieonderhandelingen afwachten, blijkt op 18 november tijdens het debat over de onderwijsbegroting. De oppositiepartijen namen geen genoegen met die afwachtende houding. Zij vroegen, fel of minder fel, aandacht voor de problemen…
Wageningen heeft van de ‘bijzondere universiteiten’ het beste onderwijs volgens de nieuwe Keuzegids. De TU Delft scoort een stuk lager.
Allowance for students with an impairment differs from one municipality to another, but that will end in April 2022. Local parties in Delft want to see a speedier change.
The Dutch government wants to prevent participation councils in higher education from having a say in the introduction of a corona pass at their institutions.
Het kabinet wil voorkomen dat medezeggenschapsraden meepraten over de coronapas aan hun instelling. Het wil met grote spoed een wetswijziging door de Tweede Kamer loodsen.
This spring, students had to battle stress, sleeping difficulties and extreme fatigue. The government wants to tackle mental problems “as a matter of the utmost urgency”.
ABP will scale back its investments in oil companies. The pension fund does need to give other companies a push in the right direction as well, scientists say.