Dutch universities will take the same action in the battle against threats and intimidation of academics, the VSNU announced. What will they do and what tips do they have?
Dutch and Chinese researchers have been working together in recent years to develop controversial DNA databanks. ‘It’s time to tighten up our ethical review of such work.’
A German and an American have won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their revolutionary method of building ‘left-handed’ or ‘right. “An expansion of the chemical toolbox.”
Avans and Ede still at the top of Keuzegids rankings Avans and Christelijke Hogeschool Ede remain number 1 in the Keuzegids Hbo (universities of applied sciences) published on Thursday. NHL Stenden scores best with its associate degree programmes. Even though the National Student Survey has been adjusted – questions about facilities, timetables…
Half a million victims of college’s data breach The University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem and Nijmegen (HAN) has almost completed its investigation into the data leak discovered on 1 September. A hacker obtained data on students, staff and other contacts of the university. The investigation shows that the hacker gained access…
Binnen drie weken moeten de formerende partijen toezeggen dat ze de studiefinanciering op de schop gaan nemen. Anders volgen er acties, zeggen vakbonden LSVb en FNV.
Nobel Prize in physics for climate change The American Syukuro Manabe, the German Klaus Hasselman and the Italian Giorgio Parisi have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their research into climate change and patterns in chaotic systems. The Nobel Prize Committee announced this on Tuesday. Earth Manabe proved in the…
Vindicat events cancelled after misbehaviour of members The mayor of Groningen is fed up with it. Because members of student association Vindicat misbehaved this weekend, he has prohibited a large sailing event of the association. Other events have also been cancelled for the time being. The police had to spring into action…
Research financier the Dutch Research Council has awarded a Rubicon grant to 24 recently graduated PhD students. Three of them are from TU Delft.