RIVM-directeur Jaap van Dissel krijgt de tweejaarlijkse Akademiepenning van wetenschapsgenootschap KNAW voor zijn wetenschappelijke adviezen bij de bestrijding van de corona-epidemie. Van Dissel, ook voorzitter van het Outbreak Management Team, heeft volgens de KNAW de politiek en het publiek “met tomeloze energie en bewonderingswaardige rust” geïnformeerd over de wetenschappelijke kennis omtrent covid-19. …
Higher education in the Netherlands remains popular among foreign students, says agency Nuffic. International students still want to come here, but not for online lectures.
In September, students will again be taught on campus. Without keeping one and a half metres distance, but with mouth masks and a maximum of 75 students in a lecture hall.
Only one in twelve applicants for an advanced grant from the European Research Council was successful in 2020. With 17 out of 209 grants, the Netherlands again scores well.
New tenants’ association for students In many cities, student tenants’ associations protect students’ tenancy rights. Now they have their national umbrella organisation: Landelijk Overleg Studentenhuurders (LOS). Ten clubs are affiliated with the new tenants association, including WijWonen Delft. The new tenants association wants to make a fist on a national scale, because…
De regering van Hongarije verstevigt haar greep op de universiteiten: nieuwe stichtingen gaan het bestuur overnemen. Het Hongaarse parlement heeft gisteren ingestemd met dat voorstel van de regering-Orbán. Al jaren voert de rechts-populistische regering van de Hongaarse premier Viktor Orbán een strijd tegen de academische vrijheid, onder meer door onderzoekers met progressieve ideeën te intimideren en…
International students in the Netherlands had already been faced with struggles and the coronavirus situation has not changed things for the better, according to a new survey.
It is finally happening: as of next Monday, students may once again go to their university campus or the campus of their university of applied sciences for one day a week.
Teacher of the Year 2021 Jessica Zweers, lecturer in biology and medical laboratory research at Hanze University Groningen, has been named Lecturer of the Year 2021. She wins an education grant of 25,000 euros. The jury believes that Zweers excels in educational innovation and admires the way in which she manages to…