The Green Village has its own wind turbine, built by students within a week. The Delft blue turbine is a celebration of the first 10 years of the European Wind Energy Master.
Sea level rise along Dutch coast speeds up Researchers led by Dr Riccardo Riva (Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences) have reviewed the data of eight tidal stations along the Dutch coast for the past 100 years. For the longest time, the sea level rose by about 1 mm/year. But in the last…
The first to graduate as a TU Delft Robotics Engineer is Srimannarayana Baratam. He has a mission: making traffic in India safer with affordable automotive perception systems.
Since the Covid crisis, science has been at the heart of society, yet it is being criticised and threatened. Marileen Dogterom, the new KNAW President, argues for fairness.
The prominently placed renovation prototype, made by TU Delft Team SUM in Wuppertal, drew long queues of visitors. Delta did a video visit for those who couldn’t go.
TU-onderzoekers kunnen met data uit een ‘slim’ fietspad op de campus in combinatie met eenvoudiger sensoren in de buurt verkeersdrukte een half uur vooruit voorspellen. Omleidingen kunnen dan helpen om de druk te verminderen. Inmiddels zijn er praktische toepassingen in voorbereiding in Rotterdam (veiligheid van schoolkinderen op de fiets) en Scheveningen (beheersing van drukte aan het strand). Dat…
PhD students and staff with a TU Delft NetID will be able to log on to the new DelftBlue supercomputer from 20 June. ICT-staff have ironed out all wrinkles last six months.
Waterbouwkundige en TU-onderzoeker Ties Rijcken zwengelt het debat aan over woningbouw en zeespiegelstijging. Die twee actuele Nederlandse uitdagingen staan namelijk met elkaar op gespannen voet. Zo schreef Vrij Nederland onlangs: ‘Als je ver onder NAP bouwt, zeg er dan bij dat die huizen maar vijftig jaar meegaan’. Rijcken schreef in de Correspondent het artikel…
‘Do not exclude students from energy allowance’ Municipalities have been advised not to give students an energy allowance of EUR 800. But legal experts believe that excluding students is unlawful and will not stand up in court. To the surprise of the LSVb…