
Jos Wassink


Survey self-driving vehicles TU Delft transport professor Bert van Wee (faculty TPM), on behalf of his European colleagues, is calling on Delft students and staff to fill out a survey on self-driving vehicles. The options the researchers are looking at go pretty far. Take this one: ‘A self-driving vehicle completely controls the speed and steering…

‘AI system should know its own limits’   Every artificial intelligent system makes mistakes, said Professor Inald Lagendijk during his lecture on Engineering Meaningful Human Control for the Bataafsch Society last Monday. For an AI system that has to distinguish apples from pears, mistakes might be amusing, but for an HR…

Drone learns to see like an insect A team from TU Delft and the Westfälische Hochschule presents an optical flow-based learning process that allows robots to estimate distance on the basis of the visual properties (shape, colour, texture) of objects. ‘Optical flow’ means that insects perceive the speed at which…