Engineering and Policy Analysis master students apply machine learning to societal problems like heatwave management. They will present their work on 22 August in The Hague.
Experts on thorium reactors convened in Delft after a four year programme: the molten salt reactor could make nuclear energy both safe and sustainable.
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the first lunar landing on 20 July 1969, the BBC World Service has produced a wonderful podcast.
The Veni grant allows young researchers to work on their ideas for three years. Twelve researchers at TU Delft are given this opportunity. What will they do?
In the 1970s and 1980s, Delft researchers were involved in the first Astronomical Netherlands Satellite (ANS). Was this prompted by the 1969 moon landing?
The TU Delft Solar Boat Team has won the Monaco Solar & Energy Boat Challenge 2019 in the Offshore Class. They were the first Dutch team ever with an offshore solar boat.
Want to know how to get your results in the media? Rolf Hut shows how the media works in his Out of the Lab symposium. Organised specially for researchers.
The Amsterdam Living Lab was enriched with two concrete outdoor furniture objects last week. It’s a students’ statement of up-cycling concrete.
A TU Delft student team is going to Airbus in Toulouse to develop their proposal of wireless switches for passenger carriers. They are among the 7 finalists from 284 entries.