The TU Delft Formula Student racing team is joined by MIT students in the driverless racing competition. It takes 3 computers to replace one pilot.
Vattenfall Solar Team is de nieuwe naam van voorheen Nuon Solar Team, de makers van de succesvolle zonnewagenreeks Nuna. Dat bleek gisteren bij de presentatie van de NunaX.
De innovatieve VrijMiBoot van het Delftse Team 6 haalde zaterdag de tweede plaats op de 10e MARIN Ontwerp- en Zeilwedstrijd. Een klassiek schip bleek sneller.
NWO is supporting 17 young doctors do research abroad. Dr Luuk Loeff left TU Delft at the beginning of December to carry out research on the immune system in Zurich.
The TU Delft Solar Boat Team has decided to go offshore. After 12 years of continuous improvements, the new team will build a bigger boat for open seas.
‘Climate Action’ is this year’s theme of the TU Delft Dies Natalis. Honorary doctors Søren Hermansen (DK) and Mercedes Maroto-Valer (UK) both fit the profile very well.
Al sinds 2004 ligt een verkoper van magnetische stresshangers in de clinch met AvroTros en TU Delft. Donderdag diende de zaak bij de Raad van State.
The paralysed walk and bridges collapse. This year certainly hasn’t been boring. Delta’s senior science editor made a selection of his favourite pieces in English and Dutch.
Electronic waste is growing fast. European directives aim to increase recycling, but devices are hard to recycle. Designers can change that, says Dr Farzaneh Fakhredin.